Commission Payment
Congratulations on the sale of your artwork!
Creative Arts Society receives a 15% commission on all art sales made at our venues. It is calculated based on the price of the artwork before sales tax and any credit card fees.
The commission is to be paid within 15 days from the date of the sale. ​
NOTE: Unless specifically noted in the Call for Art, CAS/gallery commissions are required for any sale made during the exhibit dates. This includes sales that occur when the customer sees the art outside of the venue, for example, due to social media, the artist's website, a friend, etc. In this case, the artist has the option of waiting until the exhibit is over to make the sale to avoid paying the CAS commission, as long as the sale was not a result of the CAS exhibit exposure. This policy is consistent with standard gallery practice.
If you are a CAS venue coordinator or we are not charging a CAS commission because the gallery is charging a commission, you are exempt from paying commissions. But we would still like to know about your sale. Please indicate that you are eligible for a commission exemption when filling out the form.