All current CAS members are encouraged to enter all of our shows. Please read the individual calls for art carefully to determine the submission process for each type of exhibit.
Rotating Exhibits
CAS is fortunate to have several locations throughout Austin where we maintain exhibits year-round. These venues generally change art every 60-90 days. Artists are required to drop off and pick up their ready-to-hang artwork on time. These exhibits are not juried and all submissions are accepted until the space is filled up, provided that the art meets the CAS family friendly guidelines. If you do not hear otherwise from the venue coordinator, your pieces have been accepted. The venue coordinators are responsible for hanging the art and creating the labels. Volunteers who are interested in helping to hang art should indicate this in the Comment box on the submission form. The calls are distributed to the CAS membership approximately three weeks prior to the exhibit installation.
Cypress Grill
4404 William Cannon, Austin, TX 78749
Zaviya Grill
1212 W. Parmer Lane Austin 78727
Tandoori Lounge
3601 W. William Cannon, Austin 78749
2101 E. St. Elmo Rd., Bldg 1, Ste 100, Austin 78744
​Twin Oaks Library
1800 S 5th St, Austin, TX 78704
Curated Exhibits
This program is designed to attract high-end venues that want a consistent gallery presentation in their space, while offering our artists an opportunity to plan, install and execute a professional show. The venue has the option of selecting artists from the CAS Artists Portfolio or via an open call to the CAS membership.
Participating artists are responsible for hanging their own art and labels and removing their art at the specified dates and times. Exhibits typically feature one to three artists per show and are scheduled up to a year in advance.
Artists must apply to the CAS Artists Portfolio Call for Art to be featured in the CAS Artists Portfolio.
Reveal Dental
1785 E Whitestone Blvd #400, Cedar Park, TX 78613
South Oaks Family Medicine
8517 FM 1826, Bldg 2, Austin, TX 78737
Howson Library
2500 Exposition Blvd.
Carver Library
1161 Angelina Street, Austin, TX 78702
Ruby Hotel & Bar
400 Fannin Ave., Round Rock, TX 78664
Laura's Library (On a limited basis)
9411 FM 2244 Road, Austin, TX 78733
Hampton Branch Library *brand new venue!
​5125 Convict Hill Road, Austin, TX 78749
(for use with Avery 10 cards/page cardstock)
Click here to view the CAS Artists Portfolios
Click here to apply, update or withdraw from the CAS Artists Portfolio
Special Events / Juried Shows
Our Special Events provide members with the opportunity to exhibit their work in upscale venues and gain experience with the juried process. We typically have three special events a year, at three different venues/galleries. If announced as a Juried show, these calls will remain open until the deadline; however, when space is limited, not every submission will be accepted, nor will every artist be represented. We will make every effort to accommodate as many artworks as possible while maintaining the esthetics of the show. Artists will be notified of the jury decision at least a week before the install.
Juried shows involve a jury of one or more persons who have expertise in the field of fine arts. In some cases, entry fees are required to cover the cost of paying jurors for their time and/or gallery rental. Events with a jury fee will include this charge in the application form. Events with a gallery rental fee will require payment after the jury decision is made.
CAS has hosted exhibits in these featured locations:
Round Rock Arts Chalk Walk
Pflugerville Public Library
Bass Concert Hall
Austin Bergstrom Airport
Riverbend Inspirational Gallery
North Hills Gallery
Georgetown Library
Link & Pin ArtSpace
Breckenridge Art Center
Dougherty Arts Center
Texas State University Roundrock
The Hive at Bee Caves Galleria
For information on Rules for Hanging, please visit our Exhibit Guidelines page.
Do you have a space that needs our art?
Or maybe you know of a place that would benefit from some beautiful artwork on the walls? Please let us know!
Contact exhibits@creativeartssociety.org.